«reviews» ¹ Welcome to the reviews-section of Top Secret. We will start by reviewing some of the dem that have been released lately. We have seen some very impressive demos these past months. So read on, to see what the creators of Top Secret think about the demos released. ²MOBILE - DESTINATION UNKNOWN BY SPACEBALLS:¹ ³----------------------------------------¹ One man..One routine. Can you say in another way ? Lone Starr once again shows us his incridible vector-routine. Unfortunately for him and Spaceballs, it was not enough,this time, to win the demo-competition. But the demo is still quite good. The vector-routine is just so impressive, because of the speed. There is not a lot of the design in the demo, but the chosen colors and the few switches between screen are well-choosen. Also the music by Audiomonster is giving the demo a little lift. The main-problem with this demo is the short time it last. A few minutes longer and with a bit more originality, this demo would have been extremely good. Now it's just good ! All in All:³¢80/100¢¹ ²INTERFERENCE BY SANITY¹ ³---------------------------------------¹ Sanity has lost some members lately. But with this one-part demo the show us that the are still able to create fantastic demos. Cosmos and Microforce give us some very good and extremely fast routines, which might have been seen before, but never in the same quality. The music fits the demo very good and gives it a lot of atmosphere. The graphics by Cougar and Havok speaks for itself and last, but certainly not least, it seems like Sanity has overcomed their problems with the design. This is a great demo, maybe the best one-part demo ever released. Way to go Sanity ! All in All: ³¢93/100¢¹ ²DESERT DREAM BY KEFRENS¹ ³---------------------------------------¹ Kefrens won another demo-competition. And nobody can doubt why the won after seeing this demo. It's so good. After the Melon-Story, which is not that impressive, the demo continues with nice effects (I like the sawyer effect so much.) and a smashing design. The music is made perfectly for fitting the routines and design, which makes the demo even better. There is only a few bad things to be said about the demo. They should have choosen to include less black backgrounds and some of the routines on disk #2, like the bars and the first scroll, should have been left out. But all in all this demo is stunning. A few changes and it could have become a classic. All in All: ³¢94/100¢¹ ²MAXIMA BY SCOOPEX FRANCE¹ ³---------------------------------------¹ Finally a new productions from Scoopex. Scoopex is one of the groups that you always expect some great from. Unfortunately they have had difficulties to fullfill our expectations, and this demo certainly doesn't help on that image. It's a dentro with nothing new at all. The routines are all seen before, the design is normal and the musicis nothing special. The only positive thing is the little decrunching animation, which is quite sweet. But the demo is generally not very good and I simply cannot understand how they have been able to create such an ugly bonus-part. A big disappointment ! All in All: ³¢45/100¢¹ ²TERMINAL FUCKUP BY SANITY¹ ³---------------------------------------¹ Another part of the fuckup serie by Sanity. And in contrast to Scoopex, Sanity don't disappoint us. The have improved their design dramatically and Tron has done a good job with the code. And then there is the music. It's fantastic ! The best tune Jester has ever made, in my opinion. The demo is in excess of being fast and well-designed also very aggressive. A new style from Sanity. Read the texts and you will either like the style or not. But wheter you like the aggressive style or not, the demo speaks for itself. All in All: ³¢83/100¢¹ ²SPEED BY SIM PRODUCTIONS¹ ³---------------------------------------¹ A new kind of demos are born. This demo offers the amiga in a new pespective. Gone are the normal routines. Instead we get four disks filled with animations. A what kind of animations ! Is like a great music-video. Despite the fact that the music in this production, easily could have been better. But the idea behind this demo is great and so are the animations. It's nice to see something different and Sim Productions deserve a lot of credits for their attempt. This is a demo that has to be seen, atleast once. All in All: ³¢85/100¢¹ Okay, we are through the demo-reviews. Next time we will start a new kind of ¹reviews, by inviting a famous guy to review the released productions. ³TFG/MAJIC 12